Suspects On the Run

Name Mugshot Spotted? Description Apprehended View
Millicent "Rocky" Williamson Spotted 1 time He is considered an artist in his community.
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Ray Ray "Cherry Wine Bon Bon" Wiggins Spotted 0 times Don't let the silky perm fool you, Ray Ray is rough around the edges.
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Heather "Tomahawk" Rivers Spotted 1 time She is as mean as she looks.
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Miguel Usberto Raymundo-Eliquen-Sonora Spotted 0 times He just stares into your soul.
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Brenda "Steel Jaw" McGee Spotted 0 times Not just a pretty face.
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Lenny Gaston "Chuckles" Henriquez Spotted 0 times Laugh at your own risk.
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Steve "Toothbrush" Hempstead Spotted 0 times A mug only a mother could love.
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Miguel "Bonk" Headwards Spotted 0 times Look, but don't stare.
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